Ginger started slipping on the floor once in a while, especially in the “hallway” between the front & back of the house. As a result, she’s timid in that area now. It’s pretty sad. She gets stuck on the kitchen rug, not wanting to proceed to the bedroom or into the bathrooms. Last night we put a small rug in middle of the scary-zone. It seems to help (most of the time) by breaking the area up & giving her some refuge.
Her new concrete fear also made the new bedroom-stairs difficult. With enough coaxing, she’d go up. But it was VERY tough to get her to come down & have to “land” on the concrete floor. Abbie was actually helping her – it was AWESOME. Ginger would get half-way down & freeze, Abbie would get right up beside her & show her sister how to take the next step. She would do it going up & and down. A small rug at the bottom of the steps helped this too.
This morning, Abbie helped Ginger across the concrete abyss. Beautiful. Both dogs were running from the living room into the bedroom. Abbie climbed the stairs to be in bed with Mark & noticed that Ginger hadn’t kept up. Abbie climbed back down the stairs, returned the kitchen rug, and laid down beside Ginger. It looked like she whispered something to her, then they stood up together & slowly made their way, side-by-side, across the abyss into the bedroom & up the stairs into bed. It was SOOOO cool.